Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Creative Avoidance: Liminal Doorway?

It's been suggested that this blog – and other sorts of ostensibly unproductive activities--- is an act of creative avoidance. Is that just a nicer term for procrastination?

Well, yes. And no. I'm good at avoidance, so I learned years ago to make that work for me. Why argue with what you're good at, right?

In developing skills in various forms of creativity, I've made avoidance into productive learning curve time. Learning new forms of self expression such as beading, clayworking, woodburning, and blogging --- and whatever it might be for you, too --- stimulates the life force and expands consciousness into previously undiscovered territories.

Inevitably, self expressions indulged in during creative avoidance time prompt deeper self awareness, if one is paying attention, and open the flow of thoughts to all sorts of creative connections that often have something to do with some other, more conventional "work." Then the challenge becomes capturing that creative inspiration for the work project before it recedes back into the ethers of transformational potentiality.

Perhaps, then, this type of avoidance isn't as pathological as it sounds. Perhaps it's a brief journey into a liminal realm between obligatory tasks and liberated attention.

© 2005 Liminal Realities
a personal growth education venture
Deah Curry PhD
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, October 23, 2005

5 Transformative Questions

Teaching and therapy have a lot in common. They're both about raising consciousness in order to support transformation in the learner or client so that they can become better able to make a beneficial difference in their world and in their life. As an educator and therapist, I find myself asking the same questions in both realms.

1. In the way you are living your life, how are you being the medicine?

In teaching naturopathic medical students, the relevance of that question is obvious. But if we think about medicine as energetic spiritual power, I think this question applies to all of us on the transformational consciousness path.

2. What do you trust?

Notice I didn't ask who. This question is asking in what do you place your belief that all is and will be as it should be? It's always interesting to try to take this question down as deep as one can with as much honesty as one can stand.

3. For what cause would you give your life, and would historians say this is what you actually gave your life energy to?

The answer to this question is often very telling as to how congruent we are with our espoused and actual values.

4. How would you describe the sensory experiences of peace of mind, contentment, curiosity, soul healing, and connectedness as felt on the insides of your body?

Have you ever thought about how such qualities of mind or experience have bodily felt sensory components? Try paying attention to this some time. The results can provide an amazing awakening in consciousness.

5. At the end of your life, what will you have dared so that you can pass on with no regrets?

Daring is one of the most essential transformative energies that I know of. It's a catalyst for becoming everything we are meant to be. Try it; it's a powerful medicine. Take a chance on small risks at first, until you get the hang of it, and don't neglect practical safety measures----even Evel Knievel wore a helmet. But just think about it-----how far will you leap into the unknown, or over the perceived mountains that turn out to be molehills?

Dr Deah's Musings © 2005-6 Liminal Realities
a personal growth education venture

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