Saturday, October 08, 2005

Psychic Ethics

I spent today at a psychic fair in my persona of psychological astrologer. There wasn't much traffic, and when that happens, as it does occasionally, the vendors offer to trade services with each other. It's good networking, and fun to experience how someone else will get information that doesn't come to you.

Let me be clear, I never call myself a psychic. I get intuitive flashes at times, and I'm very quick at putting a lot of information together into a coherent whole that might seem like a psychic gift to some people, but I can never control when the flashes of profound insight or "direct knowing" come to me----which is what I imagine true psychics can do: they can control the on and off switch for their psychic gift. I can't even locate mine.

But anyway, I got to wondering whether the folks at this fair all practice some form of magical ethics in their work as psychics, as I try to do as an astrologer. What I mean is, do they respect psychic boundaries, and not engage in reading others until contracted to do so? And what do they do when information just pops into mind when looking at a colleague across the room? Do they disclose what they've "heard" or "seen" or "felt," or do they hold it like a secret, or forget they got the message? What responsibility to they take for this gift, I wondered.

One woman who had pestered me a month ago or so to do something I didn't want to do came around my table today, offering instruction and wanting to be friendly. Perhaps it's my natural suspicious nature, but I found myself wondering if she was angling to manipulate me in a new way since the initial attempts had failed. As I sat listening and contributing little to the conversation, I felt my walls rise up, and I wondered if she did too, and if she was testing my defenses.

It's interesting to be in the position of guarding one's mind and intentions from a psychic. It made me think of the old Star Trek Next Generation episode where the Romulan tried to destroy an away team with an old Vulcan death ray device, but was foiled by Picard's knowledge that it would only harm if the intended victims held other than pleasant or caring thoughts in mind.

Sigh. I'm afraid I wasn't that charitable today.

Dr Deah's Musings
Copyright 2005-2006 by Liminal Realities
a personal growth education venture
Deah Curry PhD, publisher

Friday, October 07, 2005


Why is it that time seems to be speeding up as we age? I sit down at the computer in the morning to check the email, and before I know it the day is gone, and what have I done----nothing, it seems. Have I tilted into a liminal reality, a space between worlds where consciousness expands, contracts, folds up on itself, or have I fallen through a worm hole, lost in virtualness?

And yet I can spend an hour at my altar in the evenings, and it feels like I'm there for eons, immersed in the mystical world of resonating with spirit, flying along with the guardians as they take me into the amazing and magical recesses of my existence.

Time. It's such a funny, arbitrary, elusive, artificial thing.

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Dr Deah's Musings
Copyright 2005-2006 by Liminal Realities
a personal growth education venture
Deah Curry PhD, publisher

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