Monday, October 31, 2005

A Quest for the Something Important

All my life I've been on an unknown quest. You see, I've always had a feeling that there was Something Important I was supposed to do with my life, but I've never been completely clear about what that was.

Now and then I've seen glimpses of this Something Important, just out of reach, darting into shadowlands, seeming to leave a vapor of sparkling aether in its wake. Sometimes I gave chase, which was seldom a productive effort.

Over time I realized that the shimmering something I'd felt brush hurriedly by was some energetic aspect of my spirit moving forward on The Path. Already intently engaged with that Important Something, my spirit self has been right where it is supposed to be, in the in-between of mundane mind and mystical timeless consciousness.

She (my spirit self) returns to visit me more frequently now that I've learned to recognize how it feels when she's here. More on that another time, but in those moments it's clear what the Important Something is, and that the quest had to go within myself to reach the knowledge I sought.

And that was a long way of saying, to those of you in search of your soul's purpose or mission: pay attention to the sensory qualities you experience during those magical moments of wonder and deep connection with the universe. Those may just be your spirit returning home to you.

Dr Deah's Musings
Copyright 2005-2006 by Liminal Realities
a personal growth education venture
Deah Curry PhD, publisher

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Being a Grown Up

Ugh, how I hate being a grown up: paying my bills, cleaning the toilet, voluntarily going to the dentist-----don't you hate it, too?

An amazing thing is happening, though. A good friend of mine is about to build me a craft center in the closet of my spare bedroom, and before he can start, I'm having to clean out the space--- which is forcing me to go through bags and boxes of "shoulda been discarded long ago" nonsense of a me I haven't been for years.

This evening I got great emotional satisfaction from tearing up old credit card statements and boxes of checks from two long closed bank accounts. With every rip and shred, I tore up old attachments to lingering fears and stale relationships. This cleaning thing is being very empowering.

There's a metaphysical idea that in order for good things to come into our lives we must create room for them by releasing what we no longer need, or what's no longer serving us. Letting go of what we've outgrown is something we all have experience with---remember giving up that favorite jacket when the sleeves got too short, or passing down that wonderful party dress wore just once because the next year you finally had breasts?

What are the old attachments that you've outgrown? What have you been hanging on to that's no longer serving your current needs for empowerment? Time to clean the closet---go for it!

Dr Deah's Musings
Copyright 2005-2006 by Liminal Realities
a personal growth education venture
Deah Curry PhD, publisher

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 License.